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2016 Posters

Advance care planning: attitudes of Catholic nuns 

Advance care planning (ACP) is a process whereby individuals discuss, state and document their values and wishes regarding medical care with their caregivers, in the event that are incapacitated from making decisions on their own. The aim of the study was to explore Catholic nuns' perspectives towards ACP. 

GeriCare: advance care planning - a survey of views of healthcare workers and residents of nursing homes in Singapore

Advance Care Planning (ACP) involves open conversations with loved ones about future care and treatment. To date, the implementation of ACP in nursing homes (NHs) has been is not widely researched. The aim of the study was to explore ACP experiences, perspectives and roles within ACP amongst NH staff and residents, in order to guide quality improvement initiatives and create resources for long-term care homes.

GeriCare: telegeriatrics in nursing homes of Singapore: an exploratory, qualitative study of user perspectives

Telegeriatrics, a programme initiated by an acute hospital in December 2010, allowed the hospital's geriatricians to provide specialist care for nursing home (NH) residents. The study aimed to understand user perceptions and experiences of the telemedicine system by conducting focus group discussions and semi-structured interviews with 25 staff from NHs and the acute hospital.

Impacts of animal-assisted activities on geriatrics in a long-term care facility

Animal-Assisted Activities (AAA) provides opportunities to improve quality of life due to their therapeutic benefits. AAA was introduced into a nursing home to help elderly enhance sensory stimulation, enhance socializations and nurture relationships. The aim of the study was to explore the older persons' perceptions on AAA in a nursing home.

Telegeriatrics in nursing homes: the Singapore perspective

Telegeriatrics in nursing homes is a piloted telemedicine programme between the Geriatric Medicine department of an acute hospital and nursing homes using a "hub and spoke" model. The programme aimed to provide specialist access for nursing homes and empower nurses to continue with training and education.