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  1. Educational needs of nursing home staff: does a needs-based palliative care course make a difference? 
    Phua GLG, Toh HJ, Tan L, Low JA.
    BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2020.


  2. Self-evaluation and test scores (SETS): Correlation of post-course self-reported
    confidence and satisfaction with test scores in a nurse training evaluation 

    Ywe H, Toh HJ, Tan L, Low J. 2020.


  3. Using Telemedicine for Outpatient Geriatric Care During the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak: Experience from the First 15 Patients
    Tan L, Pillay VD, Chia, J, Seah A, Liu CM, Lim YJ, Low J. Ann Acad Med Singap. 2020.


  4. The nuts and bolts of utilizing telemedicine in nursing home: the GeriCare@North experience.
    Low JA, Toh HJ, Tan L, Chia JWK, Seah AST. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2020.


  5. Sensitivity and specificity analysis: use of emoticon for screening of depression in elderly in Singapore.
    Tan L, Toh HJ, Sim LK, Low JA. 
    J Am Psychiatr Nurses Assoc. 2018.


  6. Jonsen's four topics approach as a framework for clinical ethics consultation.
    Toh HJ, Low JA, Lim ZY, Lim Y, Siddiqui S, Tan L. 
    Asian Bioethics Review. 2018.'s_Four_Topics_Approach_as_a_Framework_for_Clinical_Ethics_Consultation


  7. Analysis of reasons for potentially preventable hospital transfers using the modified INTERACT-II Tool.
    Magpantay GC, Toh HJ, Low JA, Chia WK. 
    J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2017.


  8. The search for the holy grail: frugal innovation in healthcare low-income or middle-income countries for reverse innovation to developed countries.
    Bhatti YA, Prime M, Harris M, Wadge H, McQueen J, Patel H, Carter AW, Parston G, Darzi A. BMJ Innov. 2017.


  9. Advance care planning: the attitudes and views of a group of catholic nuns in Singapore.
    Tan L, Sim LK, Ng L, Toh HJ, Low JA. 
    Am J Hosp Palliat Med. 2015.


  10. Telegeriatrics: a pilot project to reduce unnecessary hospital admissions of nursing home residents in Singapore.
    Toh HJ, Chia J, Koh E, Lam, Magpantay GC, De Leon CM, Low JA. 
    [Conference paper for International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health]. 2015.


  11. User perceptions of the telemedicine programme in nursing homes: the Singapore perspective.
    Toh HJ, Chia J, Koh E, Lam K. 
    [Conference paper for International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health]. 2015.


  12. Last moments of life : can telemedicine play a role?
    Low JA, Beins G, Lee KK, Koh E. 
    Palliat Support Care. 2013.


  13. Understanding Quality of Life for Palliative Patients With Dysphagia Using the Swallowing Quality of Life (SWAL-QOL) Questionnaire.
    Tan L, Lim YJ, Ho PY, Lim LY, Lim YY, Low JA. 2021


  14. Does an Integrated Palliative Care Program Reduce Emergency Department Transfers for Nursing Home Palliative Residents?
    Ho PY, Lim YJ, Tan L, Wang XL, Magpantay GC, Chia J, Loke J, Sim LK, Low JA. 2021


  15. Enablers and barriers to nurse-facilitated geriatric teleconsultations in nursing homes: a qualitative descriptive multi-site study. Apphia Jia Qi Tan, Wei Ling Chua, Lisa McKenna, Laurence Lean Chin Tan, Yu Jun Lim, Sok Ying Liaw. 2023


  16. Interprofessional collaboration in telemedicine for long-term care: An exploratory qualitative study. Apphia Jia Qi Tan, Wei Ling Chua, Lisa McKenna, Laurence Lean Chin Tan, Yu Jun Lim, Sok Ying Liaw. 2023


  17. Empathy before entering practice: A qualitative study on drivers of empathy in healthcare professionals from the perspective of medical students. Yun Ying Ho, Laurence Tan, Chou Chuen Yu, Mai Khanh Le, Tanya Tierney, James Alvin Low. 2024


  18. Video training of nursing home healthcare workers in palliative care. Yujun Lim, Ezekiel Toh, Laurence Tan, Perry Lee, James Alvin Yiew Hock Low. 2024


  19. Facts to Snacks. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Bite-Sized Animations in Teaching Palliative Care to Medical Students. Kai Lin Megan Chua, Jin Qi Valerie Chan, Laurence Lean Chin Tan, James Alvin Low. 2024

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