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Palliative Care Course for Long-Term Care Nurses 

The Palliative Care Course for Long-Term Care Nurses is an 8-week palliative care education program aimed at improving palliative care practices for nurses working in community settings. It aims to build and enhance the professional confidence and competence of these nurses to manage nursing home residents with palliative care needs. In this course, participants will learn the important principles of palliative care nursing. It provides training on the following topics: symptoms management, psychosocial, emotional, and spiritual care, application of medical and nursing ethics, and the skill sets to communicate effectively with residents, family members, and healthcare team. 

Learning Objectives:

  • To recognise and manage the symptoms of residents in palliative and end-of-life care 

  • To support the residents' and their families' concerns and other issues by coordinating care across different healthcare settings and able to inform them of the available resources for palliative and end-of-life care

  • To effectively communicate with residents, family, and healthcare team to provide holistic assessment, management and follow-up cases requiring palliative and end-of-life care

Target Learners: â€‹

  • Registered nurses and Enrolled nurses 

  • Class size: 16-20 participants 


Teaching Methods:

  • Instructors-led training activities 

  • Team-based learning 

Assessment Methods:

  • Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)

  • Multiple-choice tests 

  • Clinical competency logbook 


  • 36 hours, excluding final OSCE 

  • Once a week


  • A/Prof James Low, Senior Consultant, Director of GeriCare.

  • Dr. Laurence Tan, Senior Consultant, Deputy Director of GeriCare.

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